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GuidelinesWelcome to Infinity Community Forum! This is a place where Infinity users gather to discuss and request features, talk about the ways they use Infinity and ask for help. We would love to hear feature suggestions, bug reports, how you organize your workflow and what can we do help you grow your business.
AnnouncementsInfinity team will post important announcements in this category. Stay tuned!
Help & SupportInfinity can do so much, but sometimes it’s hard to do it the best way. We are here to help you create the best workspace.
Feature RequestsUse this category to propose new features and suggest improvements. Let’s shape Infinity together!
IntegrationsTo be able to use Infinity to it’s fullest, you need to integrate it with the tools you’re already using. Tell us about those tools and suggest an integrations.
Bug ReportsYou’ve noticed a bug? Please describe what happened, attach a screenshot and our devs will hunt it down.
Change LogsHere we will publish Change Logs.
Other ToolsYou can discuss other tools in this category. By discussing how we use productivity tools, what are we missing and what are the good options, we can share the knowledge about our workflows and make Infinity better.