I hear y’all. 
Hey guys! Oh, I miss you so much.
First of all, hugs and kudos to @Jovana for handling so much work at Infinity, including various community channels. She’s a beast. 
Second of all; I have a couple of words about the product, which will hopefully reassure everyone here.
From the very beginning of the Infinity, I know that the Co-Founders and the core team has been focusing on the community and suggestions to build this product based on your feedback and ideas.
The challenge into getting into this kind of market was no ordinary one (and the team can feel all the struggles as we speak), but it all comes easier working with the community just like this one – ready to suggest, criticise, help and build together.
I remember @stefan saying ‘Coa, just imagine how many people will actually get their chance to share their struggles in organising their work and life. And us, being their safe spot, listening to their issues, and offering a solution through this product’. That’s what bought me at the first place (I know it sounds cliché, but yeah – that’s the thing.
Yes, the product was young when it was released. Yes, it doesn’t have ALL the features comparing to other tools (yet). Yes, the team is still bootstrapping (which is hard AF), and while the things seem to be slow at one point, just look at the bigger picture, and see how far the product has grown. I mean, I know that the numbers and results say that. Just looking at the number of features, functionalities and new use cases being born with Infinity, new problems solved…
I’ve left the team on June 1st. And since then (4 months, wow!), I can see LOTS of new updates including Trash/Archive, new Help Centre, Formulas attribute, Multiple Select, huge UX/UI improvements, etc.
While I truly understand that some things aren’t here yet, what is important here is that the team is constantly caring and thinking about making everyone satisfied with their Infinity account and their custom setup/organisation with everything this team has built so far. And yeah, still caring and listening after 2 years of launching a beta! Come on, I mean… This is one of the most selfless teams ever.
Also, you can take a look at this matter from a very different perspective. We all know that scaling is hard. The thing here is that: The more (active) community members there are, the team will take more time, energy and resources to keep everyone up to date and perfectly fine with everything going on. Which means that, if sometimes, the team seems to be silent or inactive with the updates and activities, they’re really busting their assess to handle the #1 priority in the whole company: you guys, the community.