Annoying issue when picking from a list of users for "Members" attribute type

The drop-down does not close automatically on selecting a value for “Members” attribute-type column. I have to click outside the table for it to close and then do the same for every row. I verified that the column does not have “Allow adding multiple collaborators” enabled.

Expected Behaviour: When a member is selected, it should close the drop-down automatically.

hey @pathik!

welcome to the community, it’s great to have you here!

i’ll make sure to add this suggestion to the queue, hoping that this is an easy thing to implement :slight_smile:

we’ll dive into more use cases apart from quick add of members just to make sure we don’t make the flow worse :slight_smile:

Hey @coa, I don’t think I agree that this is a suggestion or feature change and not a bug. Can you explain why the drop-down has to stay open after we select an Assignee from the list? How is it different from Labels where it closes the drop-down immediately when you select one value from the list?

Hey @pathik,

I can’t explain this because I wasn’t involved in the management part of this feature, neither did I built it.

It just seems to me that this was the logic when the time was to create Members attribute. I’ve created a suggestion ticket to discuss this ASAP and change if possible. :slight_smile:


Thanks. I did not know you were also a Dev. Probably off topic, but curious to know what platform or tech stack is Infinity based on?