API showing error message : invalid scope

I have tried the API again today but failed. It gives me the following error:

“message”: “Invalid scope(s) provided.”

I tried the following request:

curl --request GET \
--get "https://app.startinfinity.com/api/v2/workspaces" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $infinitytoken" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json"

Is there an error in my code or the API specs haven’t been updated on how to use the “Scope”?

Hello @yves, for API-related questions, I believe the best solution is to speak to our dev team directly. Could you reach out to our support team so we can get your email and invite you to the API board when the dev team will answer your question directly and help you out? :slight_smile: