Reproduction steps:
- Create Folder with Reference attribute named “Parent”.
- Create Table View on this folder
- Group this view on “Parent”
- Create three cards: card “parentA”, card “childA”, card “childB”
- Manually link “parentA” as the Parent of “childA” so that a new group “parentA” appears in the view with “childA” in it.
- Try to drag “childB” into the “parentA” group using the drag and drop handler.
- Observe that the card jumps back to “No Reference” group.
Expected behaviour:
I expect the card that is being dragged and dropped into the new group to be assigned the value of the group in the reference attribute. E.g.: when I drop “childB” into the Parent: “parentA” group, it’s Parent attribute should become “parentA”.
This behaviour does work for other Views, hence this expectation.