I’d love to be able to change the calendar view so that Sunday is the start of the week! There was a Bug Report from Feb '19 where a response said it could potentially be an easy feature to implement, but I can’t find the ability myself.
Is it out there already? If not, does it seem like something we could get soon?
Thanks for the question and suggestion. Yes, this is something we’ve heard a few times and we do plan to implement it but it hasn’t become a priority yet. I can see it’s still on our list of suggestions but has the importance 6/10 so we’ll discuss it in the following weeks but we’ll see when it can find its way to the roadmap.
First of all, welcome to the community, we are glad to see you here
Thank you for voting, you can also find some other useful suggestions and feature our users suggested here: Public Roadmap | Infinity (just check folder called communitys voice), feel free to vote for them as well - it will help us decide what features to develop.