Comments Upgrade v3.0 (Beta)

Since comments haven’t been fully developed yet, I had a thought.

Could Comments have different types? Maybe there is a Status Update, or an email interaction, or meeting notes, or general comment, or activity update. Additional information could be added to the comments tab, and then you could filter the comments to see the information you want.

The Activity Monitor, if it could have a filter, would also be very helpful!

Hey @BaiJie

This is a very interesting suggestion, but I’m just curious on should we structure Comments upgrade.

I believe that we should leave the most features as simple as possible (of course: its logic, not the use case and its power/structure) as overall, ‘The ultimate flexibility’ our tool offers as one of the biggest values could be a bit challenging for some % of our members.

Comments upgrade will definitely happen in 2020 (let’s even say Q1), and we’ll include your suggestion, of course :slight_smile:

Yeah I don’t know how this would work either, possibly just as a drop down right above the comment box with “Type” written on, where a selection could be made. A filter button could go right next to it. If it wasn’t touched, basic comment functionality wouldn’t be affected.

I agree it should be simple for sure. I just like the thought of being able to find information quickly, and not losing information when I update everything on the attributes tab.

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Sounds like having a set of labels to be used inside the comments. That should be easily be written inline using # before the label name e.g. #label

A similar kind of thing is the @otheruser which works great here in the forum and will be probably also be possible inside the comments I hope.