Date past due notification

Thanks for the quick response. I look forward to see the feature

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As you know, this is an essential feature and I’m so happy it’s finally in Doing Stage.


HI @Jovana,

I have recently subscribed to Infinity and so far I like the platform a lot. But I would have to agree with fellow users, that task notifications (due, overdue etc) are a critical feature to make this a 5 star platform. I do hope the team is prioritizing this release.

Thank you.


Hello @faisal.chareuf, welcome to the community! I’m glad to hear you like Infinity so far.

Regarding Reminders, as we’ve mentioned above, this feature is already in the Doing stage, which means that our dev team is already working on it.

Reminders will be a part of a larger ‘Automation’ feature which is a bit challenging to develop so it can’t be finished in a few days. :slight_smile: But rest assured we’re working on it as we speak and hopefully we’ll see it live soon.



I am so glad you are working on it.
Keep up the good work.
I need this, like yesterday but understand that, especially with Infinity; good things come to those that wait.

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Is it possible to make things that are due that day pop up in a seperate smaller window as soon as you open the program? I would probably forget to look at my notifications every day! Also, I have several dates in my tables, but I’m assuming that we will be able to pick which ones we want to be alerted about as some of them are not things I need to be alerted for.

Hello @BrandiMills97! Regarding the first suggestion, this will more be related to the Workspace Overview once we start defining and implementing that feature.

Regarding the second point - yes, this is exactly how reminders will work. You will be able to choose which date you will be alerted for. :slight_smile:

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Best of luck guys in implementing the reminder feature.

For automation does that mean we can automate if the task is completed too ? I am super excited if we can do that like

If (task01) is in label:planned and (task01) is (due date)
(Send Notification) to (assigned/team)
Set (Task01) in (label:done) and email (user/admin)

That would be Cool!!

Hi guys,

my 2 pence: past due notification is very useful, but … it is too Late! :blush:

you want to increase the priority (or class of service) of a task when the due date is approaching.
So you can still do something before it’s overdue! :+1:
Maybe, you move that task in the “expediteswimlane, or negotiate a new due date, … :muscle:

So you really want notifications of due dates approaching!

I made a proposal about card ageing, (please vote it if you agree :pray:)
if a card is too old, kill it, bring it back or raise its priority … . Just do not leave it there.

The same mechanism should be applied to the due dates approaching. :wink:




Wow, after 3 years still no notifications.
This makes Infinity unusable for tasks.

Hi there @j0e :wave:

We have actually released our automations last year and you have the capability to create reminders or past due notifications with them.

You get to create your own automation(s) which can remind you a day before the due date, it can notify you 2 day after its past its due date (you get to set the number of days as well), basically anything you need in order to get back on track regarding your tasks, projects and much more. :+1:

Here’s just a quick screenshot from our automations menu:

We’ve also done a webinar about our automations which you can watch at your own pace and understand some basic concepts and use cases:

Hope that helps at least a little bit :v: