Desktop App is here!

Hey guys, we have some great news! Here are 3 fresh updates for this week:

#1 Desktop App

We have finally launched our desktop app! From now on you won’t have to rely on your browser to work in Infinity, you’ll be able to access the tool straight from the app.

Another perk you’ll get to enjoy if you switch to the desktop app is push notifications. That way, you’ll always stay informed and not miss an important alert ever again. :bell:

Download the desktop app here:

And make sure to check out this article if you need any help with using the app:

Keep in mind that the desktop app doesn’t include offline mode yet. We are still working on it and hoping to release it in the near future.

#2 Table Loading Speed

You’ve probably noticed that tables were loading more slowly in the previous weeks. We’ve made sure to improve the table rendering speed and you’ll now notice that once you open or scroll a table, your data will load much faster. :zap:

#3 Using Labels in Formulas

You’ve asked for it, and we delivered. From now on, you’ll be able to use labels in your formulas - apart from text, numbers and dates. You’ll be able to use labels in the same sense you’re using text at the moment (wherever a formula includes strings/text).

Hope you like the updates, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think about the desktop app!

Have a great week y’all! :slightly_smiling_face:


This is fantastic - thanks for both updating the roadmap and posting here. Really great to see continued updates to this platform.