Drag & drop email to create task

It would be ideal if one could drag and drop an email into an open task in the board where it belongs. from there being able to click back to the email would be a killer functionality.

I can partially do this with Trello, but it is less than ideal.

Hey @birgli, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how we can do this technically. What content from the email in that case would go into Infinity item?


I believe this is best accomplished with an Add-in (O365/Outlook) and an extension (Chrome/Firefox) the way Trello, Everyone, ClickUp, And Notejoy have done it.

There are others as well but those four are really well done and work great.

I can provide a video or links to those if you need them.


Although… It would be really cool if you could bring email in to infinity, and fully integrate email management with Infinity. I would be absolutely impressed if that could be pulled off.


@stefan Thanks for the reply. I missed the note in the community. Still learning my way through infinity.

In terms of email, I recognise this might not be possible from a web-based app to a client based mail app. I use OmniFocus & tried TidyCards (small client based kanban app) to directly drag and drop emails to create tasks. In these applications a link to the actual email is created (in the case of OmniFocus in notes). The task is created around this, but when clicking on the link, the email opens in the mail app (provided I have not deleted it).

@infinity.justs In the case of Trello, only the subject of the email is captured in drag/drop from OSX Mail. In Outlook, yes an add-on is available which all text and attachments but only if you are using outlook/exchange based email - there is no return link.

The only app I have seen that integrates mail fully is PipeDrive.Com - This SaaS has full email integration via the app. As the name implies, it does only CRM / Pipeline tracking.