Export to PDF download issue

I am having trouble downloading a PDF export. When I request the PDF, it appears to process normally. I get a notice that it’s ready to download on both the browser and by email. However, there is never a file downloaded. I have attempted this many times over the last few hours.

I have never had a problem with this feature before. I did reinstall macOS yesterday — so I don’t know whether the feature is broken at Infinity right now — or whether I need to do something on my end. I don’t recall ever having to do anything special before. Previously, the file would just download to my downloads folder. Any suggestions?

EDIT: This seems to be a Safari issue — both macOS & iOS / iPadOS. I can download the PDF files in Brave. I prefer Safari, as most Mac users do. Will this be fixed? Thanks.

Hi @robbchadwick :wave:

Thank you for the update regarding Safari and the issue being on its end! One thing that comes to my mind when it comes to safari is this - sometimes safari blocks popups or new tabs being opened instantly (and you will be able to see that in the address bar).

Would you be able to tell me if that’s the case on your end?
Does the same issue happen with the CSV export?

From what I know, there’s a way to stop Safari from blocking instant downloads / new tabs being opened instantly after clicking on the download - probably through its privacy settings (or general settings)!

Cheers :v:

Actually, a new tab does open in Safari that says the download is in progress — but it never arrives. I have also checked the Downloads folder — but it’s not there either.

Aha! I just fixed it — Preferences, Websites — select “allow” for the app.


Hi @robbchadwick :wave:

Thank you for updating us and for posting your solution as well, it might help other people :pray:

Cheers :v:

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