Find Attribute IDs?

I’m wondering if it’s possible to find what the backend IDs are for any board attributes? Namely, I’m wanting the ID for labels.

The use-case is that I’m wanting to create an automation that creates a new card in an Infinity board. I’m using Zapier and I want to apply a label when my Zapier zap creates a new card in a certain folder. But I cannot seem to find the ID for the desired label so that I can tell Zapier to add it to the label “field.”


Hey @braxton,

Thanks for creating this topic.

If you’ve done a Zapier setup the right way, once you click on the field to search for Infinity attributes, you should get a modal with all the attributes IDs included (and names). That way, you can link the desired Label attribute.

Can you try this again/send me a screenshot of the screen you’ve stuck to?