Hi, urgent upgrade needed to be better able to audit formulas! I’m tryign to substitute a working Excel file we use to track all company sales & financial status. Multiple triggers are formulated & simple (but lengthy) formulas are used.
Just pointing this out as constructive feedback: one of the best performance edges AirTable has is that it really is Excel on steroids (migrating from excel to AirTable is fairly easy to do); I’m finding it time comsuming to get a grasp of how formulas in Infinity work.
Urgent upgrades needed:
Extend formula input box to the length of the formula. It is difficult to audit long formulas in such a reduced visibilty field! (see attatched images for comparison).
Autodetect formulas. Not entirely sure if this is not here, or I haven’t found it yet, but autodetecting formulas as you begin to type them is a huge time saver!
Auditing aid. If a formula does not have the correct syntax, the only visual warning is the formula box highlighting red on the margin, but you cannot see firsthand WHERE the mistake is being made. Getting this feedback from the system is a huget time saver as well!
Parenthesis. Differenciate embeded & parent parenthesis with different colors / bold, like in Excel. This visual aid helps the user follow through the formula syntax as we are writing them, otherwise, if there is no visual aid on the parenthesis, again, it is difficult to spot mistakes quickly.
Simple is better. I tried this operation [ "EndDate() - StartDate() "] and it returns an ERROR. Turns out the only way to do it is with the DAYS() formula. We should be able to use EITHER way. Refering again to AirTable for constructive purposes: making it easy to use simple operators (+,-,*,/) is best, like they replicate from Excel. I had to come here to the forum to research for a fix around this problem, and found that many others had the same issue. Infinity is great at saving time on many other fronts, but this needs to be revised as well, as this whole process is a big time waster!
Hope you take the feedback into consideration & act on it quickly, please! Formulas are a feature I, personally, will be using quite a lot.
Diego B