How to recover data lost by Infinity


it happened a few minutes ago:

I was adding a new task (item), then I had to check one email in my email app, when I got back to Infinity, I couldn’t find current (open) item. So I clicked another folder, got back and the current item is present but all other items added today are gone (that is, their names are missing):

Only one item from today is present but it weirdly has 2 characters (zr). What’s going on? :wink: Can I retrieve my tasks or do I have to recall them from memory?

Hey @man!

What a terrible issue! Are you sure you haven’t done anything to the ‘name’ attribute or filtered out the data (or Customize)?

Also, how about a Hard refresh (CMD + R / CTRL + Shift + R)?

If you can send us a screenshot of your console real quick when you select the item, that would be helpful :slight_smile:

If all of those stuff have not fixed it, let’s get on a call tomorrow with our CTO?

It’s spreading :frowning:

Hard refresh didn’t help.

By console, what exact part of dev tools do you mean?

I’m happy to have a call with CTO because now that I think about it its the second time it’s happening (the first time I thought it was bad connection issue)

I had the same problem couple days ago… lost a ton of information…the info was recovered, and that’s awesome…but I’ll wait to use SI until it’s stable enough…

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We’ve identified the issue.

It was due to a small technical stuff in Mozilla Firefox.

We’ve fixed it now :slight_smile:

Thanks for your concern and of course: understanding.

That’s great! I use Safari though… I’ll keep you posted if something insidious happens.

Hey @man,

The thing is we’ve reproduced the problem in Mozilla. We’ll try the same asap on Safari and implement the same solution. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads up.

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