Infinity just got hunted on Product Hunt!

Hey guys, I have some exciting news to share with you: we’ve been hunted on Product Hunt today! :tada:

When we first started working on this product about two years ago, we had no idea how much it would grow and how much support we’d get. Back then, we were just a small team with a big dream - to create a product that would help people organize their work and life in a fully flexible way, without limitations.

Although we’re still building Infinity and working towards that goal, we’ve come a long way since the Beta release in 2018. We’ve launched new features, improved functionalities, and expanded our team, but more importantly, our Infinity family has grown.

You guys are the reason we are here today and the reason why we’re constantly trying to be better.

Getting hunted on Product Hunt is a huge milestone for us and something we’ve wanted for a long time.

It’s a great opportunity for Infinity to get recognized by a wider audience and a big step towards our goal - turning Infinity into one of the best work management platforms out there.

We’d love it if you could go check out our official Product Hunt page and support us.

Let’s become the #1 product of the day! :muscle:


Upvoted and reviewed.


Number one product of the day.
Good work to all:


Thank you very much!


@BaiJie Ah, you stole the show! :stuck_out_tongue: Just kidding, of course. We can’t express how grateful we are for such a strong community. Thank you all from the deepest of our hearts. :heart: