Infinity Product Roadmap

Hey guys,

In the last few weeks, I’ve been mentioning that the new Roadmap is in the works.

And it is, as a part of the big project called ‘The Community Board’.

However, there’s been a long discussion and between executive team and tech team regarding the format.

Also, between the support and tech team regarding the way whole Community board should work.

I have a question: Should we implement the whole ‘mechanism’/process (with all the feature suggestions, bug reports, etc) or just try to publish only one section (Product Roadmap)?


So my take is that:

  • product roadmap - public for everyone to see
  • whole mechanism - only for actua;l users or even account holders

I would say that all information is interesting and important. Certainly, we are all very interested in knowing what is coming (the roadmap) — but having information on what is being fixed, as well as minor enhancements, would also be welcome and appreciated.

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I want the whole thing. I know there will be issues of edit access, but It would be great to have everybody on the same page, literally.

There would then be this wonderful transparency of where items are in development, which items are chosen for development, current problems that have been recognized, and how far along they might be.
It also allows us as a community to see which ideas haven’t been suggested, or bugs that haven’t been found. There is an efficiency that would help everyone I think.

A vote feature would be really cool too (each user can vote once per item). That way new feature prioritizing could be easier, and even sorted with Infinity’s view flexibility.


I agree with the way @BaiJie suggests, as long as all the information is well organized visually.

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The whole thing!

Bug reports and feature requests are the inspiration and selection ground for upcoming features / product road map. Look at something like the VIIMA tool for inspiration on how such an idea capture and community development system might work.

Voting on bugs should be a thing. i.e. how many people are affected. this should help focus the bug fixing team.

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I don’t remember where it was posted (on this forum or in FB group?) but early January @stefan announced that for 2020 Q1 new features are on hold because the team will focus on performance improvements and new infrastructure as well as hiring new team members.


Hey @remco.plasmeijer,

@man is completely right.

We’ve announced that for the Q1, we’re focusing on performance issues, and app speed improvement, alongside server optimization and a new infrastructure.

Research and testing of various stuff have taken a lot of time, we’ve done a pretty significant amount of work and a new plan for this year should be published in the coming days/weeks.

Thank you all for understanding and support!


@coa How is the community board coming along? I am sure the community would love to see a live roadmap of what the team is working on!


Hey @CodeKnight,

I owe a huge apology to everyone for constantly saying that the roadmap should be live soon.

We’ve had troubles during the works. The whole system we are planning to build has gone through literally everyone’s hands in the team, and we’ve always had refinements, even ditched two completely finished versions.

We really want to make this perfect with the appropriate messaging and useful information for you guys.

The plan is to have a separate landing page (it’s 100% done, but we’re still discussing whether it should be published).

  • Feature suggestion public form
  • Product Roadmap (considering, planned, doing, published) (a part of a public board)
  • (Monthly) Changelogs (a part of a public board)
  • Voting feature (for future features, hopefully in a form of a new attribute type)

This would also be a great use case, which would be useful for both the community, but could also be promoted to new & potential members.

I’ll make sure to post more information, as I’ve directly been assigned to working on the roadmap.


If you made it visible (if not public, make at least for community members) I’d make it my starting page in my web browser! :smiley:


@coa I agree with Man,

Release the beta of this to your fans! Get feedback, i guarantee your perfect is not the final version of this…

We are not expecting perfect from the get go, we expect to “see” progress, which is why we want this board. :wink:

Don’t wait for the voting attribute, role out a “Private” beta version for people interested to see it here or PM?


Are you discussing it from the technical perspective or business perspective (competition being able to see your feature pipeline)?

If your concerns are technical I can’t say more than @CodeKnight:

Release the beta of this to your fans! Get feedback, i guarantee your perfect is not the final version of this…

But if your concern is about competition make it accessible only for your LTD customers. Any competitor would have to pay to view it anyway :stuck_out_tongue: and remember that ideas are cheap, implementation is what really matters.


@coa, your killing us here.

No status update in 2 weeks?

@coa If you are going to wait for perfect, then you will never ship anything, but you might have figured that out by now :slight_smile:

Don’t lose hope just yet :slight_smile:


Guys, I’m sorry for all the delays, but the decision to launch Infinity’s product roadmap is not individual. Though, I personally stand behind this decision – Which is NOT to wait on purpose and wait for everything to be perfect.

I know that none of you have bad intentions, but creating, analyzing and publishing an official product roadmap is a huge thing that should not be treated easily.

Like I already said, a whole campaign was created around our roadmap, and we want to create it in such a way that even other companies can use it. That means some marketing work, as well.

The thing is: We’re not waiting for everything to be perfect. It just wouldn’t be right without the Voting attribute. Without ALL the features you guys have suggested – and there’s a lot of them. I want to show respect to everyone and that we’re really talking about everything you guys have in mind and that you suggest on daily basis:

Currently, there are a couple of pipelines from which the suggestions are coming and in which most of the communication is happening:

  • Community Forum
  • Facebook Community
  • Intercom (Live Chat)
  • Team email
  • Personal emails
  • Demo calls

There’s a ton of work just around that, but we love it. We love talking to you, brainstorming together, looking for ways to improve our platform and make the best case scenario for all sides.

I’m sorry if it seems like we’re taking the most part, but that’s really not the case. We are always looking for ways to optimize and improve your part, community’s part, into building Infinity. And we’ll continue to do so.

At the same time, we want to be as transparent and honest as possible about our team’s processes, journey, and progress. For each month. For each feature, functionality and bug. That means 120+ deploys in BitBucket on a monthly basis, which we’re also including to the roadmap.

Now I’m revealing a lot. :slight_smile:

BTW. The only thing left: Voting attribute. Which is a whole new attribute :slight_smile:


Hear, hear! For impatience is the grandmother of all f*ck-ups!


I know @coa :slight_smile:
We’re giving you a hard time because we love Infinity so much so we can have more of it every day and a roadmap will give us unlimited fantasy time aboit Infinity :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, Voting attribute is a big one so I’m sure it’s worth the wait!


Great post @Coa you have bought yourself another month :wink:

I am also in the process of developing my own roadmap for my business, so i wait with baited breath to see the possibility of what you achieve here in infinity.

I do note you already have some product roadmap documentation which i am reading through!

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