Infinity's new Lifetime Deal!

Hey community, we’ve launched a new LTD :rocket:

As you know, this lifetime deal is with completely new pricing and only for new customers.

The goal is to spread the word about Infinity and raise more money to speed up feature development and scale the product team.

Some of our early members/previous LTD buyers asked us to upgrade the early deal, and we will make the option available after the new LTD ends. We’ll decide about the terms together with voting, but at a minimum, it will be on the same terms as the early deal.

We need your help with the promotion. If you have friends, colleagues, clients that you think could benefit from Infinity, now would be the best time to suggest them.

We’ve launched a deal in our favorite LTD community, and if you have time please join the discussion here:

Here’s a link to our deal page:

Thank you

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Please consider providing alternative modes of payment (such as Paypal).


Hey @planahead2012,

We do provide an option to pay via PayPal :slight_smile:

If you want to, you can send me your email address in PM and which plan would you like to opt-in for, so we can send the PayPal payment.

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Thanks for your positive response! :slight_smile: … will contact you accordingly.

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Is there a product roadmap?

Hey @steven,

Welcome to our Community Forum!

We have shared the main plans around the beginning of November.

We have released Public Boards, Advanced Permisisons and Form View last month, and the plan is to finalize Gantt View and Move Folder to Board & Move Board to Folder features by the end of this one.

Current priorities are:

  • Performance/Speed improvements
  • Integrations (native) (alongside webhooks)
  • csv import improvement
  • multiple select/bulk edit
  • More advanced permissions (improvements)
  • Move boards fix


  • See all tasks across all boards (and workspaces)
  • Automations
  • Archive
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Thank @coa, for the update.

Is there any thing we can help with the features mentioned above (I mean, use cases, ideas, mockups, whatever? :wink:)

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@coa Hi, i started my demo 3 days ago.
How much time still i have before the LTD stop?
That’s because i need some more time to test it before i make my choice.
Thanks for your help on that…!

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As far as I know the LTD ends soon. But they have a 30 day money back guarantee so you would be safe to try and get a refund of you don’t like it.

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Please consider if the following can be included in the Enterprise plan:

Unlimited Workspaces
Full Whitelabeling option


Any update when Google Drive will be live?

Hey @chris4,

Our plan is end of Q1 / Q2. :slight_smile:

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You had mentioned elsewhere in the forums that you were working on a second grouping feature (ie: swim lanes). Is this still in development?

Hey @SeanInVa,

Swimlanes are currently on hold, and I hope the development can be continued in Q2 :slight_smile: