Is there really a 50 Tag Limit?

Is there really a 50 Tag limit ? That cant be right, but when trying to do an import I ran into this.
How do you tag countries if this is the case ?

Hey @g2mc, this is the limit when you’re trying to import, because we noticed some performance issues when you import more than 50 tags.

I agree, it can be hard to make countries tags that way. Can you use short text attribute instead of labels in that case?

No, we can’t actually.
A) there need to be multiple countries tagged per Study
B) need to avoid people free typing country names as we use that for both groupings and filters

Hey @stefan I just noticed your other post. Yep its on import. we have 57 countries at least.
Can more be added after import ?

I think you can, I can remember that we only have this limit when importing. Did you try?