Issue with Community Forum (Login)

Hey folks!

A lot of our community members experienced a bug where they can’t log in to the Community Forum.

I just wanted to officially address everyone that we’ve had a bug for roughly 2 weeks now. I personally apologize for not letting you know more quickly, as I’ve thought this wasn’t a ‘global’ bug.

Since we’ve published a lot of new stuff recently, we’ve had some authentication errors, which resulted in a constant loop while attempting to log in to certain accounts.

NEWS: We’re actively working on this, and hopefully, our dev team will push an update by the end of the week, when things are supposed to be fixed and normal again.

Thank you all for your support and patience!

Also; Sorry if things went a bit slow during the recent period. Summer holidays got us all over the place :slight_smile:

A quick note: This error has affected Trello Import feature, as well.

I think it is fixed! I am officially able to log in to the forum.