Mobile view header not correct on embedded

So I embeded the public board to my website but as I view it on my mobile site, the header is acting weird. It happens on all mobile view.

Hi @ehnmm :wave:

Interesting, this could be an issue with the phones of an older generation or smaller screen size. Could you tell us the device you were using?

This is how it looks on my side when I open a public board on my mobile phone:

I am looking forward to your response :pray:


I’m currently using an iPhone 12. It only happens on the embedded box on my site. Here are two screenshot. You can check it out on the website at

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Yap, I am not exactly sure why that might be happening. However - I’ll make sure to create a ticket for this specific case and once we get some info back from the team - I’ll update you and let you know if there is a potential solution or if it’s something we’ll have to fix on our end.

Thank you for all the screenshots @ehnmm :pray:

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