New "Chart / Graph" View

A new view template that converts the data into an assortment of interactive graphs based on the attributes selected.

Something similar to:

You would also integrate / include the current Gantt chart view into this new “Chart / Graph” view

Hi @CodeKnight!

I guess this would be a part of Reporting/Statistics feature…?

That one was planned for late 2020, I believe (or early next year).


Yeah sure! I was thinking that the implementation of this could be as easy as a new tab / view. Doesn’t have to be a completely separate feature. Do you have more info on this upcoming feaute?

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Unfortunately not, apart from the fact that we’ve done quite a bit of research on the best way to implement it ( did it in a brilliant way).

Fun fact: We’ve had an MVP/beta feature of Reporting in the pilot version of Infinity (2017).

I can’t seem to find the screenshot, but at that time we’ve had a lot of complications building it. I can ask the team why.

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That is a fantastic and sexy! example for reporting. Also a great example for consolidating all the views and making a single place for you to see everything assigned to you.


Yeah, like fully configurable dashboard: a mix of reporting and assigned tasks.


The use of widgets is brilliant. It reminds me of how Android implements them to make information readily available on the home screen.

There’s some pretty juicy stuff there to reference!


Hi @coa,

I can find no sign of this in the roadmap (am I missing something? Sorry, maybe I am just a newbie here. :slight_smile: and I love what you are doing.

Yes, a dashboard & widget would be great!

Till then, how can one display a burndown chart or a Cumulative Flow Diagram CFD or a Cycle Time Scatter Plot/ histogram, …

I looked through the kanban and agile templates, but I found no way to implement them.

Hi @ugonuv and welcome to the community :partying_face:

Have you checked a “community’s voice” for the things you were looking for? It might be worth checking that out and voting for some of the things you would like to see inside infinity. Roadmap

When it comes to charts / diagrams you mentioned "burndown, cfd… " Unfortunately we do not have them, and I would encourage you to suggest it via this form, once you suggest it other users (who might want those as well) can vote for them - which will be a clear indicator for us. (we will know that such charts are something our users want and then we can explore all the options and consider implementing them).

Or you can vote for diagrams over here and mention in the comments what else you would like to add / improve / consider.

We are happy to collect all your feedback and requests as we want to improve and make infinity even better.

thanks @marko!!

I had checked for “draw” and “graph” … not for diagram :joy:
I 'll use the form


I am a bit confused…(sorry)

A new feature/improvement request,
when should be added in this community and
when do you like to come via the form?


HI @ugonuv

The reason we send users to our form so that can suggest / request / report anything they want to us, it will be public and all other users / potential customers can see what has been suggested - that can be seen via ourpublic roadmap under “community’s voice” folder.

This could be also considered as a functionality, regardless of what you decide - our team will always scan the whole public roadmap (community’s voice) and arrange, update, delete duplicates and basically keep everything tightly so its nice and presentable to everyone who visits our public roadmap.

Once you submit a bug, feature request, functionality or improvement, it is automatically added to the community’s voice and visible within seconds.

Hope that helps.!