New Features for May (Private Folders and much more)

Hey everyone, it’s time for an update! :tada:

Here’s what’s new in Infinity:

#1 Private Folders & Folder Public Sharing (#6 most voted feature)

Private folders are finally here! This means that you can now add/remove members from folders, making them private and invisible to members that don’t have access.

On top of that, we have implemented public sharing of folders, which means that you can now make certain folders public for external collaborators and set guest permissions for each public folder.

It’s worth mentioning that this is the initial version of this feature, but we are planning to upgrade it in the future by also adding advanced folder permissions.

To learn more about the new options, visit our help center.

#2 Attachment Security

Attachment preview/download options are now only accessible to Infinity users who have access to a board/folder and have permission to view the attachment. External traffic will not have the possibility to access the attachment. As another layer of security, this should make you feel much safer when it comes to adding important and confidential attachments to Infinity.

#3 ‘Manage Permissions’ Permission

Team members will no longer have to wait for the owner to edit permissions or make a board public. From now on, there is a new permission that will allow the owners to give their admins the power to update the team’s permissions but also share the boards and folders in your workspace.

#4 ‘Update Item’ Permission

More good news for the owners - from now on you will be able to allow or restrict your team members when it comes to updating items (changing the attribute values on existing items). In other words, from now on you will finally be able to create read-only members.

#5 Different options to display links

When it comes to the UI, one of the newest updates is that you can now choose how you will display the links in your Link attribute - whether you will display its title, the whole URL or just a favicon is your choice and it can be adjusted in each tab/view.

You can access this feature from the ‘Customize’ dropdown, next to each Link attribute you have.

#6 Light option for text in labels

As you may have noticed already, you can now decide whether the text in your labels will be dark or light. So, depending on the color of your labels, you can choose the option which is more visually appealing and matches the background better.

Hope you’ll enjoy these latest additions! :wink:

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I like #6. I believe it was my suggestion. :drooling_face:

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Hello! Reporting an issue with private folders. I have two shared private folders and if I give one link each to 2 members, each of them can access the other private folder and all other private folders on the board.

Is this how it’s intended to work? Even though a person was given only 1 link, he/she can already access the other private folders :frowning:

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Hi @v11

Thank you for the question, I’ll try to explain exactly how our private / public folders work at the moment.

Since we are talking about members / collaborators (not external clients or guest collaborators), everything can be handled inside one board without making the whole board public.

By default all folders are accessible to all your members. If you don’t want your members to see some of the folders you will go into settings of each individual folder and remove those collaborators from those folders.

Sharing a link to the folder - will not result into them having a view or access to only that folder, the whole board will open, all the folders that he has the access to will appear, but the first one that will open will be the one you sent him the link to.

If we are talking about guest collaborators - so everyone who does not have an account with Infinity. When you set your Board Public, all your folders will be set to public automatically. So, if you don’t want some of the folders to be visible to your guest collaborators you will have to set them “private”, go into settings of that folder - set it to private and now - non of the guest collaborators will be able to access that folder.

If you have 10 folders, and you set 8 private and 2 are left public. If you take the link from the first public folder and share it with anyone outside of infinity, that link will first open the board, it will open that specific folder, but the other folder that is set to public will also be visible and you will be able to click on it and open it.

So when it comes to guest collaborators, folders that are set public - are visible to everyone who has access to the board, a link to the folder does not “share” or “show” just that one folder, it takes him to that specific folder, but he will be able to navigate and open other folders that are set public.

Hopefully that explains it all :slight_smile:


#1 folder access: this would be a very useful feature but is it working yet? I did check the help article but in my folders I can’t find the “members” setting

Hi @readcoop Welcome to the community :partying_face:

It is working, maybe you don’t have necessary permissions to do so. Are you the owner of that workspace?

If not, ask the owner of the workspace to allow you to “manage permissions” for that specific workspace.

He can do that by going into workspace settings, then permissions and in there he can allow you to “manage permissions” for that workspace.

I hope that clears everything up! :muscle:

Hi @marko thank you for that thorough explanation. More power to you folks!!

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I would love to see the ability to share only a specific tab without access to anything else, use case is that I have tabs for data input and tabs for analysis and reporting. Sharing only a specific view reduces confusion and time lost to trawling through irrelevant info.

WHY? Do ì want this? What is the underlying problem? Lack of granularity in control. Giving team members and external parties access to only what they need and should have access to.

Airtable handles this by having a share whole board link and a seperate share tab view link.

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+1 this would be very useful!

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+1 for this as well!

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Hey guys @micck, @CodeKnight and @chrish thank you for your input, I’ll make sure to forward this to the team so that we can potentially bring those features to Infinity in the future.

We have received similar requests already especially after we released our permissions with folders and the ability to hide them or at least decide who is going to be a part of what folder!

Thank you so much for that, and hopefully at some point in the future I’ll be able to come back here and surprise you with the feature / improvement release :slight_smile:

Cheers :beers: :v:

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