Permissions Redesign & Folder Permissions

Hey guys,

Are you ready for an update?

Today we have released a much-needed UX improvement and added some new functionality to an existing feature.

Of course, we’re talking about Permissions!

So what is new?

#1 Members & Permissions Redesign :busts_in_silhouette:

Infinity’s Permissions got their long-awaited makeover! The redesign is much more user-friendly and will allow you to easily view and set up your team’s permissions no matter how big your team is.

You will be able to quickly review role permissions and see which team members have which roles. And if that’s not enough, you will be able to click on each team member to review and manage their individual permissions.

#2 Folder Permissions :file_cabinet:

From now on you will also be able to set up custom permissions for each individual folder which will give you a lot more control over your team members’ level of access.

If you go to Folder Settings you will see the new option to adjust Role Permissions. In Members & Permissions, you will be able to click on each member and manage their individual permissions.

Hope you’ll find the new design much easier to use, we’d like to hear your feedback!

P.S. Lots of new updates coming in the upcoming period. Stay tuned! :wink:

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