Please allow us to categorize boards using a folder structure

I love Infinity and am curious why the only way to view Boards is as huge life size rectangles :blush:? I am curious if you realize there are folks that would like to use Infinity not just for “databases”, but for pretty much any application where a spreadsheet would normally be used.

Because even for simple uses it is so much more streamlined and enjoyable to use than a spreadsheet. But not having any type of simple list view for boards, or folder structure to hold them, really limits use to specialized instances, because it’s not practical, at least IMO, to have a page with 100 big rectangles as the only way to view Boards.

Or perhaps for some infrastructure reason you need to purposely limit people from creating hundreds of boards? If not my sugestion:

  • At a minimum, just let us view boards in a list view.
  • Better yet allow us to use folders, even if only one level deep, to organize our boards within a workspace.

Thank you for considering!

This is what is really needed feature – we really as well would like to group boards to folders, for example: a 2022 project we were working on and finished we’d like to move to „Finished projects“ folder etc. Without that we end up with too many boards in dashboard…

This is such a total no-brainer but Infinity and Airtable don’t seem to get how many people want to use their products in real life. It is so ridiculous to have every database be a huge rectangle!

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Regarding the huge rectangle: it’s called “Non-data pixels“ :slight_smile: And it is one of huge sins in (visual, UX. data etc.) design. Earlier it was called “non-data ink“. Almost everyone knows it – for example if you look at PowerPoint presentations… many of them contain huge bars at the top with inverse headlines (and yes – Infinity dashboard is similar in that). The ammount of the colored space distracts /or more precisely – it ATTRACTS unconsiously, as it is the important element for human brain – BUT – when EVERYTHING is important, than NOTHING can be really important, because human brain can not „work“ with too many chunks of information at one moment. The big rectangle is one chunk of information, than it= s color is another one and the really imortant information – data /text, name of dashboard – is also one. But for human perception system it takes time to decode that – and as we know – time is precious and costly…

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Beautifully explained and exactly how I feel every time I look at “Home”. I also hate attempting to scan for information (i.e. huge rectangles) left to right/top to bottom. I read left to right,/top to bottom (at least those of us who are English do), but I think we scan top to bottom to find a doc name etc.

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So, it seemed that after 2 and half years this very important feature for users is unnoticed by Infinity team. Really sad :frowning: It is really necessary for us to be able to sort/organize Boards in Workspace. OFcourse – this limitation has one advantage – I just had to rethink my content/boards created and review, wether I can cluster some boards together and merge more boards to one. Still it will really help to be able to organize boards to folders. Thanks

This feature already exists … its a sub folder & we have been using it for quite some time (possibly 2 years) as our template board is set out with it.

Note: We use emogies for quick identification, plus put the lock symbol on there so know which folders are locked just looking at the titles. The colour codes after the lock symbol represent user groups we have granted access to … so we can just looking at the folder name see all the hidden formatting or permissions info without having to open further dialogue boxes to ascertain.

We tend to have a visual & hierarchy driven workflow.

@stephen.addis, This is great! Thanks for posting it. I think I can use elements of how you did this to help with tracking folder’s and board’s permissions status.

This is good, but I don’t think it is what the OP is asking for. This is within a board, the OP is asking how to organize boards.