Remember me for x days

Hi! I start every workday by opening Infinity from my fullscreen Chrome link and reviewing my daily plan while drinking my first coffee - it’s a great start to the day! Unfortunately, I need to log in every day, even when I’ve only had the computer in sleep mode, and it seems that I’m sometimes logged out during the day.

Is it possible to set up a “remember me for x days on this computer” function, similar to Evernote online?

Thanks for the great work so far, looking forward to the March release! :smile:

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Hey @beritrep!

Thank for such amazing words! What a way to kick-start your day :slight_smile:

We’re aware that the sessions in Infinity are kind of problematic… But we’re working on fixing this. There is currently a ‘Remember me’ button/field, and we’re currently trying to fix the functionality of staying logged in for good, if you mark that ‘Remember me’ box.

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Awesome, thanks! :+1:

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This issue is now fixed. Please check :slight_smile:

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