Shortcuts support on iOS

The idea is similar to IFTTT and Zapier but specifically focus on automating inputing/outputing data through the client UI (the iOS app). Infinity already has an iOS app. All is needed is to enable passing variables to/from iOS shortcuts, instead of having users to enter all the data manually.

Use cases:

  1. Selectively add customer email complains to Infinity for follow up
  • I received an email for a customer complain.
  • I think it requires followed up
  • I initiate iOS shortcut to add this email to an Infinity folder
  • iOS shortcut waits for my input “Type of the complaint?” from a list (matches to an Infinity folder)
  • the iOS shortcut automatically fetches the email subject, the time and my ID (iOS shortcut built-in)
  • the iOS shortcut adds a new row with the email subject, the time and my ID in pre-defined columns in the given Infinity folder
  • it saves me 3 min launching the Infinity app, looking for the folder and copy/pasting content
  1. Building a DB of read articles
  • I read an interesting website on Safari
  • I initiate the iOS shortcut to add the article with multiple labels
  • The iOS shortcut asks me “what category would you like to apply?” (each type will be a label on Infinity)
  • The iOS shortcut asks
    - “Total effort in min” (estimated reading time)
    - “finished reading?”
    - if the previous answer is “no”, then asks “how much done”.
  • The iOS shortcut fetches the article title, the URL and the date (iOS Shortcut built-in)
  • The iOS shortcut adds the article title, the URL, the date, total reading effort and the article labels to a given Infinity folder
  • The iOS shortcut also adds a task in one of my To-do apps, to remind me finish reading it.
  • There I continue with my busy life and avoided distraction from launching multiple apps to keep track of my reading

Woah, a great explanation and use case, for sure.

Thank your for actively suggesting (even more advanced) use cases like these, @j11

A complete idea was used to create a suggestion ticket out of this, which I’ll make sure to push further to the team :slight_smile: