[Suggestion] Quick item creation in Column and List View (just like in Table View)

In Table view, you can just Type your title and press Enter to create a new Task/Item.
It’s really helpful, but it would be also useful if you could do this in Column (Kanban) and List View. This way, I wouldn’t need a new filtered tab just for this. The one in Column or List would be as quick as Table View. =)

Please, consider adding this hability to those Views. To be able to create tasks on the fly is a really nice feature to have.

P.S. It would be also nice to have the hability to create tasks just by clicking on a day on Calendar view, instead of clicking on the Plus sign, just like in Gantt view =D

Hey @Tayshiro,

That is indeed the case.

Table View is the best one for inserting new data.

I’ve added the suggestion to implement a similar logic to Columns & List, but for those Views, we didn’t plan ‘quick insert of data’, but rather visually showing everything, and creating the best ‘flows’ / actions (like drag&drop), etc.

Regarding pasting the logic of a Gantt (click to create item) into Calendar is perfectly fine. :slight_smile: