Teamwork Projects/Desk

All of our projects currently live in Teamwork Projects although we are obviously looking at alternatives or we would be here. So, while we can migrate Teamwork Project stuff ourselves we are unlikely to switch from Teamwork Desk anytime soon. Thus, a direct integration with Teamwork Desk just like the recent ORA integration to Zendesk (task from ORA show up in Zen and you can add tasks in ORA directly from Zen) would be very helpful to us. I suspect Zendesk may be higher on most people’s list but Teamwork Desk is something we use almost more than Teamwork Projects.

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Hey @denny,

Huh, I’ll make sure to see where are we with imports form new/other tools.

Trello took us a while (and it’s still not perfect), and all bunch of integrations (Zapier + Native ones) are on the plate, as well as .CSV import/export.

Is there a possibility to export from TW Desk to .csv file?

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For a Teamwork Desk integration it is more about the ability to add/track Infinity tasks within Desk.

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