The attributes "Created At" and "Updated At" must have options to format the Date/Time

Currently, there’s no options to format the attributes “Created At” and “Updated At” and the information regarding DATE/TIME is simply showed like: “Dec 30, 2021 at 2:06 PM”.
Being a DATE/TIME field, it should have the same options as the “Date” attribute. For countries that use dates formated like “DD/MM/YYYY” and “24 hours” (instead of AM/PM) for time, it’s very important to be able to have other option on this 2 attributes.

Hi there @joao.jesus :wave:

These are our static attributes and their purpose is to only show you when something was created and when the item was updated at - essentially allowing you to track when certain actions were taken.

Static attributes aren’t meant to be changed / updated or edited, allowing users two switch between some formats can also create confusion example MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY, I am sure there are other reasons behind why our team has decided to leave it as is.

However, thank you for the feature request @joao.jesus :pray:

Hi @marko
Let me give you my use case:
I have a database with contacts, that are regularly updated (one day 5 records are updated, another day 7 records are updated, etc.). Having a field with the “Updated At” attribute, allows me to sort all my records for “last updated date”, and I can easily see which records haven’t been updated recently.
Of course that seeing this information on what is a standard format for me (DD/MM/YYYY) is much better then seeing it on the “American format”.
I would like to share with you how Airtable handles this kind of field (the correct way, with all the options - please see the attached image) and maybe Infinity would like to follow it’s steps.
Thank you very much.
