Upload files via form


Current my employees upload files via form. But I realise it doesn’t let them upload files that is greater than 500 kilobytes. Is there a way to upload file via form that are at least 100MB?

Thank you.

Hey @ehnmm :wave:

That is true, there is a set limit when attaching files through our form. For now, unfortunately - there isn’t a way to upload file via form that’s larger than 5MB, there aren’t any specific plans to really increase that limit for now. (maybe in the future :crossed_fingers:)

When it comes to what I can suggest doing right now - if possible, let them create items directly inside the board where they need to be, and then through the attachment attribute itself (not through the form) they will be able to upload larger files (up to 500MB in size).

If the first suggestion above is not possible for some reason, I can maybe suggest using some kind of third part storage solution (dropbox, google drive, onedrive…). Once those files are uploaded there, you can then use our link attribute and add the link to the attachment / file in dropbox or similar tool.

Cheers :v:

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The new limit for public forms is 100MB

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