Checkbox/Label Relationships + Theme File

I think it would be good if checkboxes had a little more interaction or flexibility.

There’s a few ways to handle what I’m looking for I think.

One way is to relate a checkbox to a label in order to toggle it on or off. That way if we check something it also gets labeled as “Done” and moved into the “done” group.

This could also be accomplished by being able to change the Checkbox name based on whether the box is checked or not.

Right now in a kanban board I want to sort by items I’ve completed. My options are to show 2 columns (checkbox checked or not), or show multiple columns by their labels. I’d like to have a “Done” label/column that items are automatically moved to when I hit the checkbox.

Next - I know that the theme customization is coming but I thought it would be really awesome if there was some sort of settings.json file we could use to upload in order to control our Infinity environment. Then you don’t have to create dark modes or anything - users can do it.

I’m excited to see the automation and customization tools coming up!


Hey @richardjohnpaul,

Thanks for the message!

Yes, we’ll focus more on making the process of marking tasks/items ‘Done’ more interactive and automated. But since we’ve got a lot of other priorities right now (Automations, will probably come in May this year), we can’t really find ‘the perfect solution’ in a weekly time matter. However, here’s my suggestion:

Maybe the best way to move them from one column to another right now is by drag&dropping your items from for example ‘Doing’ or ‘Review’ Column to ‘Done’, and later on moving all the ‘Done’ tasks to another folder called ‘Archive’ that you could organize by weeks.

Regarding your other suggestion, that’s awesome. That would make Infinity even more customizable and adjustable. I’ll talk this through with the team. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the amazing feedback and suggestions!

You rock.

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Thanks so much for building this amazing platform!

I have been dragging and dropping a ton which is what made me realize it’d be nice if the checkboxes did it for me.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m looking forward to March/May!

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