Hi All,
Currently we have a bunch of feature requests that fit in the “Automation Features” Category, but knowing what is currently on the roadmap is hard to keep straight. I thought I would open a Topic that allowed us all to collaborate. If there is a master topic for automation, it will be easier to know what is already suggested/planned, and it will be easier to brainstorm for new ideas.
Here is what I currently see:
- Webhooks for Automation (Webhooks support)
- Recurring tasks/reminders (Recurring tasks)
- Automated Checkbox management based on labels (Checkbox/Label Relationships + Theme File) (Workflow stages vs. "complete" checkbox)
- “Send To” Functionality (Send to functionality - mobile based)
- Auto Start/End Date with Date Ranges (Another Date Request: Date Ranges)
Here are some other things I think would be nice:
- Auto Time Tracking (track how long the item is open)
- Auto reminders based on time an item is untouched (for those forgotten tasks we all have)
- Auto Calendar sync (this may be an integration feature)
- Auto Contacts sync (also a possible integration feature… I think this would be an awesome template idea too… contacts organization inside my project organization!)
- Auto notifications of how much work is left/already done on projects (configurable)
- Card Linking - If x happens to card A, x also happens to card B
Are there any other items on the table for development in house? are there any ideas that we can add to this thread? I think Automation/Notifications are where we get some really cool magic, now that there is a good foundation to work and organize from!