New Homepage Is Live

We’ve just published a new homepage which fits the needs of the new, soon-to-be-launched beta version of Infinity.

Here’s a link:

We want the emphasize how flexible Infinity is and the ability to ‘Invent Your Workspace’ however you want it.

Can you relate to this phrase and value proposition?

I’d love to hear your feedback about the design and message :pray:


Nice, clean landing page. The starred list under the value proposition is simple and clear and definitely leaves me asking, “how?

I’m not sure how I feel about Invent Your Workspace as the value proposition. Invent feels maybe a little contrived. Might not be the right term. But I am letting it sink in a bit to see if it grows on me.

The Organize Anything section is great. Very relatable and the accompanying gif is a nice snapshot into the design and how the app works. Same with the multiple views gif. Well done.

The Juggling between multiple tools? Infinity helps you solve chaos and be more productive section is intriguing but I feel like this is a promise that many apps make and do not necessarily achieve. I would really like to see a popup or link explaining how Infinity replaces or brings together (not sure which) multiple tools.

The page looks absolutely fantastic on mobile! (Samsung Note 8, Note 10 and Galaxy S7 Edge) Even better than in a desktop browser IMO.

On another note, I cannot wait for this to go live! It looks beautiful. I was already impressed by Infinity 1.0 and this new version looks significantly better and more intuitive. I guess we will see soon.

Is this landing page link something we should begin sharing with others as we recommend the app? Do we need to have a referral link like we did previously or is that process no longer necessary?

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Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:

How can you ‘invent’ your workspace with Infinity:

  • Insert any type of work data you want ( custom fields )
  • Choose the view that fits best ( kanban, list, table, calendar, gallery )
  • Customize what you want to see ( show/hide, group, and filter features )

What we want to communicate is basically ‘Create your workspace however you want it. Do it your own way, because there are a lot of customization options. You’ll have the ability to constantly evolve your processes…’

The problem is we’re not native English speakers, and it maybe sounds a bit strange, so any recommendation on the new ‘phrase’ would be awesome :slight_smile:

Would it be better to go with: ‘Reinvent your workspace’? It has a much stronger message to people who already use organizational tools.

Regarding ‘Juggling between multiple tools’ section, it’s definitely not well explained on Homepage how we want to achieve that.

We want to have the most important features of other organizational tools natively developed in Infinity:

  • Trello: Cards -> Items, Board -> Kanban, …
  • Jira: Issues -> Items, Board -> Kanban, Components -> Folders
  • Todoist: Tasks -> Items, Projects -> Folders, Today,Week -> Filters
  • GDrive: Documents -> Items, Editor -> Editor, Folders -> Folders
  • Evernote: Editor -> Editor, Categories -> Folders

This way you’ll be able to replace multiple apps with Infinity.

But we understand that other tools have their own set of values, so we also want to integrate beautifully with them to be able to deliver the ultimate value to users. By having a lot of native features in common with others, integrations will work better.

I hope you have more information now :slight_smile:

Yes, you can share page and you don’t have to copy referral since the campaign is finished.

It would be best to wait a little bit until we launch a stable version in November with the referral system inside the product if you want to have the real benefits from referrals. :wink:

Thank you for everything!


+1 for this, becuase as you said earlier, early adopters of Infinity will be people not satisfied enough with their present tools


This is a great response! I appreciate this explanation as it helps me describe the mission when I share with others.

I like Reinvent much better vs Invent. I feel like Infinity is a new way of using existing strategies and tools. Agree that it will resonate better and welcomes people who have already invested heavily in other tools. From your description, it appears that Infinity users can choose to enhance their workflow, adapt their workflow, or replace their workflow.

This is a very powerful message and certainly one that resonates with me.

One other note, I understand that you all have a lot on your plate but I’d like to plant this seed for future consideration. IQTELL was the most powerful productivity tool I have ever used and I am really hoping Infinity will be the next most powerful tool. People moan about having to use email, yet everyone still uses email and it is not going to be replaced anytime soon (even as products like Slack try.) Email is tremendously powerful as an initiation point for tasks, projects, and communication. It just fails in its singularity. IQTELL built off of email and created an incredibly powerful productivity ecosystem. There really hasn’t been anything like it. I would love if Infinity would consider a direct integration with email. Not a connection (Zapier, mail-in, add-on, etc.) but a true in-app integration. Take a look at this brief video to see what I am talking about. The #1 reason we love IQTell

I can add this to the feature requests as well.


@man, @infinity.justs thanks for the feedback. We’re changing it to Reinvent.

@infinity.justs Your suggestion regarding email definitely makes sense, I’ll write some ideas in Email Integration Thanks for the brief :slight_smile:

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